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How to sale my Rolex watch

  How to Sale My Rolex Watch:  A Comprehensive Guide on How to sale my  Rolex watch can be a profitable endeavor if approached correctly.   <script type="text/javascript"> atOptions = { 'key' : '00f46f65d1acd544465b4c47c01a3bd1', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script <script type="text/javascript"> atOptions = { 'key' : '00f46f65d1acd544465b4c47c01a3bd1', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 250, 'width' : 300, 'params' : {} }; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"&g


KIDNEY INFECTION Today, I will be discussing kidney infection,which is a common disease and takes place in poor countries.In addition to this,filters are treated wrong in countries like Pakistan.Kidneys are the filters of a human body,and they filter all the liquid diet into beneficial components and adding them into the blood cells,and then removing and filtering waste products and excess fluids from the body by forming urine as a byproduct.Whenever kidneys are not functioning properly ,it means it will cause rise in levels of building up waste products into blood. Kidney infection,how to treat kidney infections,kidney infection nhs,treating kidney infection,how to treat kidney infection. So kidneys are very important and delicate part of human body. Pyelonephritis is a primary symptom of an infection that usually originates in the urethra and travels to one or both kidneys. Kidney infection is a very dangerous infection even it is life threatening if not treated immediatel

CANCER IS CURABLE,Is colon cancer curable in stage 4,Is cancer curable at stage 4,What is most curable cancer,BREAST CANCER IS CURABLE,HOW IS SKIN CANCER CURED

Today my topic is cancer which sounds holistic disease when heared suffering anybody from it.Previously I have discussed briefly with proofs about diabetes but now a very common and miserable disease called cancer is my topic.MY research is based on a NATURE PATH DR.Bernado.He has experience in the field of medicine for about 60 years in which the last 40 years is cancer dedicated for cancer cure.He says;'I CURE CANCER'.AND HE REALLY DID.According to him cancer is caused by a condition called acidosis.ACIDOSIS,is the acidic environment of the body cells. cancer cells,breast cancer is curable how is skin cancer cured,is colon cancer curable?what is most curable cancer PH Levels  of Human body; Human body has a ph scale which differs from 1-14. Then neutral scale reading is 7.2- 7.4.when a baby borns its body is slightly basic like 6-6.8.when a human dies its ph reading is highly acidic like 3-4 most probably 2 as well. Cancer works and spreads in acidic environment of the b

Fasting affects diabetes and weight loss,how does fasting affect diabetese,can intermittent fasting cause diabetese,therapeutic fasting,fasting and diabetese

Theoretical Basis Of Therapeutic Fasting Fasting and diabetes,how does fasting affect diabetes Therapeutic fasting is a very old and helpful technique for avoiding diabetes and making it reversible as well as losing weight and cutting pounds off from your body! Dr.Jason Fung explains the relation between diabetes and weight.He simply negate the view of starvation mode currently nutritionists and the dietitians explaining to the people. fasting and diabetes .He explains the CAVE MAN of old days when he doesn't. Get enough food every time and some time he used to remain hungry for many days.Dr.Jason also evolve a question infront of people saying and talking about the starvation mode,he says what about the religions believing on fasting,may be they want people to die?😉"No" .May be Buddhist ,Muslims and Christians "all are mad"."No.". There is a very very secret positivities hidden behind this.F

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 Diabetes millet us type2 diabetes a reversible disease,insulin dependency, Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease also called slow poisoning.Round  about 70 percent of our worlds population having this disease and its average is increasing day by day.In this what happens body starts to be resistant to internal natural insulin produced by its own pancreas or may be it is producing too less hormone,not enough for proper functioning of the body.So that the body has to depend upon some external drug like insulin injections to work properly. THIS CAUSE DAMAGE TO BODY EVEN IF YOUR GLUCOSE LEVELS ARE NORMAL IN THE BLOOD can you cure diabetic neuropathy . The statement is proved now. WHAT HAPPENS? When the insulin produced by the body all the glucose and energy in the food is not properly ingested by blood cells because it is a chronic metabolic disease,as a result body feels lethargic,fatigued and thirsty as well. Obesity is also main factor contributing to this disease.A